Saturday, January 14, 2017

I guess I was wrong about dating Kathleen Wilhoite

Well Wowlies, it looks like your hero, your mentor, the BFF of Johnny Depp, was wrong. It appears that I never actually dated Kathleen Wilhoite, even though I believed this to be true. Now some people, like that TROLL and TERRORIST Billy Jake will no doubt claim I am delusional. But I'm not! It was all a mistake. Like when I thought people had actually voted me the King of Splatterpunk, but actually I was being trolled.

And so it was with Kathleen. I was being trolled. Or maybe I was just confused. I thought I waas dating Kathleen Wilhoite. Now about directing Witchboard, that was just bullshit. No one would believe that crap besides maybe Derek Dung

It turns out I was actually dating Andy Dick in a wig! How dare that Billy Jake!

Eric Morse likes Dick
That doesn't even look like Kathleen!
I'm so embarrassed Wowlies.  But look at it from my point of view, I had never seen a vagina before. How was I supposed to know they didn't have penises. This explains why I couldn't fit my wiener inside his vagina and had to try his butthole, (she said no). I thought it was just because of my  girth!

Well I am sad knowing that I never really dated Kathleen but at least Harlan still loves me. Damn You Elbertson!