Tuesday, June 14, 2016

I am the Friday the 13th franchise

Hello howlies! Well there seems to be a lot of controversy, in some people's eyes about my Camp Crystal Lake novels. That's right some unknowing people, fans of the series supposedly, want to say that my novels aren't cannon. They even insist on spelling it canon, that's show how lacking they are in basic skills! Most probably don't even write in pros. To make it easy on these  fools I will spell it canon just for them!

Now on to the so called controversy, as everyone knows, your's truly Eric Worse, wrote four young adult (think Twilight without the sales) novels based on the Friday the 13th film franchise. These four books were published by Berkeley Books, and officially licensed and everything. This my friends, obviously make them canon. It doesn't matter that Jason doesn't actually appear in any of these four books. Inconsequential! Did the Death Star appear in the Stars Wars expanded universe! Those books were and always will be canon!!!! So too are the Camp Crystal Lake novels.

Not only that fans, I wrote a fifth camp crystal lake novel, The Mask of Jason. True it was not published by Berkeley, or officially licensed. It's still canon! The only reason it wasn't published by Berkeley was that it sucked and they said I had no talent beyond stalking and writing teen age fan fiction.

OK, so I wrote four fan fiction, err novels, all officially sanctioned and published by Berkeley. They were Mother's Day,  Jason's Curse, The Carnival, and Road Trip. Now, as stated Jason doesn't appear in any of these. But that wasn't my decision, it was the publisher, so I had to make due. I changed my direction and made the series about Jason's haunted hockey mask. In my series anyone putting on the mask becomes cursed by Jason's evil. Never mind the mask has never had any importance beyond cosmetic reasons. Never mind it didn't even appear til Friday part three and was stolen by Freddie in part nine. Details!

Then seven years after I returned from a mysterious exile (where was I howlies? I'm not telling...yet), I self published the last Camp Crystal Lake novel, the Mask of Jason Voorhees. Now usually I get upset when my books are called fan fiction, but this is pure fan fiction. In it I make an attempt to tie my first four novels into the film series (finally!) as well as the television series. Which is interesting since the series never had any connection, other than the name to the movies.. But Micki and Ryan were both hotties and I got a stiffie writing about them. Honestly this fan fiction book is closer to canon than any of the official novels I wrote.

But oh my flipping god, who cares. It's a cannon party, err canon and all my books should be canon! I am important. I'm more important to the franchise than people like Ka,,,, Uh, I probably shouldn't say his name. I think I made him made the last time and he's bigger than me. I was even mentioned in Crystal Lake Memories after I screamed and threw a tantrum.

So here's something Eric Worse almost never does. He's gonna get humble and shoot straight with you howlies. Eric aka William did write four sanctioned novels that many fans of the franchise really enjoyed, They came at a time, those dark days, when it looked like Jason might be gone forever. They made some of the fans very happy and I deserve credit for that. It's not my fault that Berkeley tried to go the young adult route and the novels failed to reach a wide audience.

Were the books good or utter shite, that's up to the readers to decide. Financially it was a bit of a raw deal for Old Eric but I accepted that deal, on the hopes it would lead to greater things. It didn't. That's life, especially in entertainment. You either accept that and roll with it or become bitter. I chose to become bitter. I demanded respect and attention that I hadn't earned. I was loud. obnoxious and hateful.  I could have moved on, finished my other novels, other projects and I would have earned some amount of attention and respect. I could have attended a few conventions, made a few new fans and who knows? But I made a bitter bed and I lay in it, and woke to a bitter life.

I hated anyone who attained success that I thought I deserved. I did favors, not  out of the good of my heart but expecting a recompense. At some point I became delusional. I made up famous girlfriends, I misread the affections of others. I made enemies, then turned my friends into enemies. Now I'm just a punchline, a meme subject. I could have been welcome at Friday reunions, but no legitimate convention will have me.

Even now I could start being honest. I could apologize to the Soskas and others, without expecting an apology in return. I could ask for forgiveness and not care if forgiveness was given back, I could change simply because it's the right thing to do, not for them, but for me. I could start over even this late in life. Would people still laugh? Some, but some would start to respect me. Some might come to like me. I wouldn't be just a footnote. I would have a legacy, not as a bitter, angry lion, but as a human being who was a decent person, and who wrote a handful of books that made people happy.
That's a hell of a legacy.

You should accept that legacy William.

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